Sunday, February 16, 2014

Moving Day!

 On Friday we moved the puppies from the whelping box to a larger, more secure puppy pen.  The puppies are getting more agile and more active, and a few had become regular escape artists.  The new space provides the puppies with more room to play, introduces them to crates and the start of litter box training.

The pen has three spaces:  a playing area, a sleeping area and the litter box.  The crate is now the sleeping area.  We use a 400-size airline crate with the door removed.  The crate is lined with a chew-proof pad and several blankets. Dogs are den animals, so the crate is an easy transition.  We add the litter box at this stage, and our expectation is that they will become accustomed to the feel of the litter.  It's a new surface for them, and they are not sure what to think the first time they step on it.  We place the pups in the litter when they wake up from a nap and after they eat.  With luck, our timing is good.  If not, we hope for the next time!  The playing area makes up most of the rest of the space in the pen. The puppies are starting to recognize each other and it has been fun to watch them play.  We have left the door to the pen open and placed a storage box in front.  The box serves as a barrier that keeps the puppies in the pen and as a step stool so that Mom can come and go as she pleases.  We let our moms decide how much time they want to spend with their pups.  We think that Mom provides much needed discipline and socialization so we let her manage her own schedule.  
 We used rubber sports tiles to line the floor of the pen.  They have a textured surface and are cushioned and easy to clean.  We have a rubber mat under the flooring to protect the floor from moisture and so far it is working great.

Each week the puppies are starting to look more and more like little dogs!  They are barking and wagging their tails and playing.  They started with one meal per day this week, but that will change as their appetites increase.  It's a fun time!
The puppies make themselves comfortable in their new home!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

When is the Nanny Getting Here?

The puppies are now just over 3 weeks old.  Their eyes are open and they are starting to realize that there is a big world out there.  It is also about the time that Mom starts to grow tired of just being Mom and starts taking time away from the litter.  It is a great signal to us that it's time to start the weaning process.

The puppies had their first meal this week.  I soak a small amount of Purina ProPlan in warm water until the kibble is very soft.  It is then pureed into a soupy gruel.  I pour this gourmet delight of a meal into a Pyrex dish with a small lip that makes it easy for the puppies to eat from.  I typically have to show the puppies the food and put a taste of it on their noses to entice them to eat.  I didn't have to do a thing for this litter - they literally dove right in!  For the first few meals we expect that as much food will be on them as in them and this litter was no different in that regard.  Once the food is as eaten as it will get, I let Mom back in the room and she cleans up the pups and licks the plate clean. 

Mary Kate has been happy to have the help of her mother Ginger, who has been stopping by to check in on the pups and Mom.  Mary Kate has been very comfortable with her mother helping out and Ginger has been the perfect Grandma.  She does not overstay her welcome. 

This weekend we will move the puppies from their whelping box and into a larger puppy pen.  The puppies are starting to outgrow the whelping box.  Their new puppy pen with give them more room to play.  We will start to train them to use a litter box and we will celebrate each and every time a puppy remembers to use the box!  We will introduce more toys and expose the puppies to different objects to crawl around and under and through.  

It's been 3 weeks and it's gone by so fast!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Mother's Love

The puppies have changed so much in the past week!  They are all over twice their birth weight.  They are beginning to stand up on their legs and walk like little sand crabs across the litter box.  Markings are beginning to peep through their coats. In another week the markings will be much more visible.

As part of the healthy development of the puppies we go through a series of daily exercises with each puppy.  This is referred to as The Early Neurological Stimulation Program and it was developed by the US Military as part of their canine training program.  The program consists of 5 simple exercise meant to provide mild neurological stimulation to the puppy, which is believed to enhance the puppy's ability to deal with stress throughout their lives.  The exercises are simple and are done for 3-5 seconds.  The pup's paw is rubbed gently with a Q-tip - between it's toes; the pup is held with it;s head errect, and then with its head pointing down; the pup is held on its back and then placed feet-down on a damp towel that has been refrigerated for 10 minutes or so.  It takes about 30 seconds to do.  We will continue these exercises until the puppies are 16 days old.  

Mary Kate is a great mom, and she has been very attentive to her pups.  She does come out to visit us - but then runs back to the puppy room to check on her pups.  She hops back into the puppy box, touches each pup with her nose, and then finds a comfortable place to relax.  The puppies come toddling and scooting over and before you know it, Mom seems to disappear under a blanket of pups.  The next week will be an exciting one.  Eyes should begin to open, markings will become more distinct and the puppies will become more mobile.  The fun is about to begin!